Advancing Digital Skills and Education – Edward Nevraumont

In 2008 Edward Nevraumont was working in Africa and found a consistent need amongst 6 different countries while working for the telecommunications company. He found there was a human capital problem and Africa couldn’t elevate itself out of the issue. He found people in power were there out of necessity and not because they had …

Technical Storytelling – Andi Mann

Marketing teams go to great lengths to get messaging out to customers and prospects in order to sell products or services. There are numerous assets from the content marketing teams explaining features and benefits. There are hundreds of marketing automation and monitoring tools to measure effectiveness and speed delivery or listen to social chatter. All of these and many …

Data Driven Decisions – Susan Ganeshan

Susan Ganeshan is the CMO of Clarabridge. Clarabridge helps hundreds of the world’s leading brands understand and improve their customer experience. In this episode, Susan and I discuss how she reorganized her staff to make best use of the high cost resources. Susan expands on data driven decisions she makes and metrics she monitors on a …

Marketing Your Cause – Jason Mitchell

Value-based products and services sell themselves. Companies work to provide more for less and in exchange will sell a product or service so customers get more value than the price paid for the service. What if you are trying to solicit funds for your cause? Jason Mitchell is an expert in nonprofit marketing and fundraising …

How the CMO Killed My Deal – Josh Steimle

Josh Steimle wanted to read a book about CMOs to brush up his sales skills. He searched for “CMOs at Work” since he had seen other “… at Work” books and couldn’t find one. This search led him to the publishers website and eventually to a form reading “write for us.” Josh filled out the …

Social Selling vs. Social Prospecting – Trish Bertuzzi

If you are selling technology, chances are someone in your organization is saying, “social selling.” But, what really is “social selling?” I recently talked with Trish Bertuzzi, CEO of The Bridge Group (@BridgeGroupInc) and author of The Sales Development Playbook, about social selling and many other topics in her book related to sustaining a sales business. …

Following Your Passion – Melanie Ofenloch

Melanie Ofenloch ( @DallasWineChick ) was a successful marketing executive at one of the largest marketing firms and saw social media as a new frontier. She wanted to learn what it could do for her clients so she jumped on Twitter. Tweeting for a couple of months, Melanie found her only followers were people working …

Fire Your Schwag – Jignesh Shah

Marketers constantly look for ways to influence our decisions and spend billions of dollars every year on advertising and useless schwag in order to do so. Expert marketers know how to influence people to obtain new customers and evolve quickly to stay ahead of competition. Studying human behavior and decision-making processes led Jignesh Shah on …

Applying Virtual Reality – Jon Fullrich

Jon Fullrich is the creative director at VLG Advertising. At VLG, Jon is creating virtual reality applications as sales and marketing tools for medical and hi-tech companies. In this episode Jon discusses how he got started in animation at Texas A&M and how this evolved into building augmented reality. He describes two applications, the production …