Artificial Intelligence Stocks: Top AI Stocks (2023)

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a hot investment opportunity. Artificial intelligence stocks are a way for investors to cash in on the growing demand for AI-powered products and services. Countless companies stand to benefit from the AI revolution, and investors must carefully consider which stocks to buy. …

How to Decrease the Cost of Deploying AI

“How to Decrease the Cost of Deploying AI” discusses AI project line items and factors that go into the cost of deploying artificial intelligence systems. The average AI project yields a dismal 1.3% ROI with an average payback time of 17 months. The presentation provides some of the most common cost elements associated with AI …

Why You Have an Automation Backlog

This visualization summarizes requirements from 800 job postings on LinkedIn. I wanted to make the point that low code application development tools actually require technical skills. Source: Why You Have an Automation Backlog,

Low Code Application Development Platforms Require Software Development Skills

A review of LinkedIn job postings for application developers found low code application platforms require just as many software development skills as custom application development. Why it matters: IT leaders seeking to democratize technology with low code citizen developer projects may not realize low code platforms still require application development skills. The big picture: Regardless of required …

The Boldest BDR

After years of sneaking onto earnings calls, this BDR was called out by the Wall Street Journal and his colleagues turned on him. Read the amazing story of how he coaxed CEOs and CFOs into setting meetings so he could exceed KPIs.

Machine Learning Operations

This presentation describes how an intelligent automation platform can help create a user interface and integration connectors for machine learning models. I co-presented the presentation with Luther Birdzell. Agenda Why machine learning is seldom deployed to production How to democratize technology and lower skill requirements to operationalize machine learning How to build trust in machine …

The Future of Intelligent Automation

Digital transformation is building or optimizing business models using modern digital technologies. Today, the speed at which your company transforms depends on your ability to change your systems and change your people. CPU performance doubles every 24 months to enable ever-increasing computing power for automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, people’s capacity to change …