Complex Marketing Prompts

This is a collection of the prompts I use for emails, summarizations, transcriptions and for writing articles. The LLMs constantly change. Therefore, these prompts are fluid as I edit them often based on the outputs. Always, read and edit the outputs of each of your attempts.


Instructions for Crafting a Prospecting Email Using Gemini

Objective: Use Gemini to craft highly personalized and effective prospecting emails by tapping into its ability to process up-to-date information and address the specific needs of your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Step 1: Identify Your Prospect or ICP

Define your ideal customer as clearly as possible. Provide Gemini with:

  • Industry: Their sector
  • Company Size: Relevant size parameters (revenue, employees, etc.)
  • Role of Contact Person: Their job title and key responsibilities

Example prompt:

“I am writing a prospecting email targeted at Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) at enterprise software companies with over $50 million in annual revenue. Does Gemini have insights for this type of prospect?”

Step 2: Prompt Gemini to Pinpoint a Timely Challenge

Gemini’s power lies in accessing the most recent information. Use this to your advantage:

  • Ask about current trends: “What are the top 3 challenges facing CMOs in the enterprise software industry right now?”
  • Tie to news/events: “Has [recent industry event or news story] impacted CMOs in the enterprise software space? If so, how?”

Step 3: Prompt Gemini for Solution, Outcome, and Email Draft

Outline your solution and how it overcomes the challenge identified. Draw inspiration from:

  • Case studies: “We helped [similar company] achieve [quantifiable outcome] by [how your product/service works].”
  • Website benefits: Repurpose compelling benefit statements.

Example prompt:

“Consider the challenge of [specific challenge identified by Gemini]. My company addresses this by providing [benefit 1] and [benefit 2].

Please draft an email using this template:

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I understand that [specific, timely pain point] is a major issue for CMOs right now.

This frequently leads to [negative consequence 1] and [negative consequence 2].

Our solution helps by [explain how benefit 1 addresses the challenge].

CMOs at companies like yours have seen [briefly describe the outcome or result achieved (ROI)] in a remarkably short timeframe.

Would you be interested in learning more about how we could help you address [specific pain point]?

Best, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]”

Step 4: Edit the Email Output

  • Personalize: Gemini provides a great starting point. Enhance it by researching the prospect or company on LinkedIn to tailor your message further.
  • Simplify: Avoid jargon and strive for a conversational tone.
  • Be concise: People scan emails, especially on mobile devices. Keep it focused.

Messaging and Practical Tips (adapted for Gemini)

  • Focus on timely issues: Gemini understands current events. Leverage this!
  • Demonstrate you understand their world: Gemini can provide insights on their industry/role. Show you’ve done your homework.
  • Offer actionable value: Rather than data sheets, give them a nugget of helpful information they can directly apply.

Transcription Prompt

“Objective: Edit the transcript for grammar, spelling, punctuation. Do not remove content to preserve the full content and speaker intent.


Remove Timestamps: Delete all timestamps.

Grammar & Punctuation: Fix grammatical errors (e.g., subject-verb agreement, tense inconsistencies). Correct punctuation mistakes (e.g., missing commas, misplaced periods).

Capitalize proper nouns and the beginning of sentences.

Content Preservation:

Do not: Do not condense the content. Use all of the content to maintain the speaker’s thoughts, opinions, and points of view. 

Do: Remove filler works and hesitations (“um,” “uh”, “like”).

Maintain: The natural flow of conversation, including pauses and interruptions. The speaker’s unique voice and style.

Ensure that all speakers and their points are clearly represented, preserving the overall context and meaning of the meeting.

Additional Notes:

If unsure about a specific grammatical point or unclear phrasing, make a bracketed note to revisit later. You can maintain italics or bold formatting for emphasis if present in the original transcript.

I will paste the transcript in multiple parts since it is long.

Do you understand?”

Article Summarization Prompt for LinkedIn Posts

Article Title:

Article Content:

Article Link:

Article Featured Image:


Analyze what the article’s insights mean for a senior B2B technology and business leadership audience. This audience cares about bottom-line results and the big picture. Emphasize how the article’s insights can drive competitive advantage, efficiency gains, or technology-led transformations.

Summarize the provided article in under 250 words, focusing on key points. Key points should include how AI will be used in enterprise technology settings to improve business processes, workflow efficiencies, opening new markets, or launching new products.

Include hashtags, including #AI and other relevant ones based on the article’s content.

Add a “Read the article” hyperlink using the provided Feedly Article Link.

Do not place “**” or “*” in the output.

Structure the output like below:

Article Title

Paste the Article summary next

“What it means:” Write what it means to the audience

Write the hashtags

Create a hyperlink to the article with the text “Read the article”


Instructions for Crafting a Prospecting Email Using ChatGPT

Objective: Leverage ChatGPT to create targeted prospecting emails that address the specific challenges of your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Step 1: Identify Your Prospect or ICP

Start by defining your ideal customer. Consider factors like their industry, size of the company, and the role of your contact person. The clearer you are about your ICP, the more tailored and effective your message can be.

Example prompt:

“I am writing an introductory prospecting email to mid-market Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) in the media and entertainment industry. Do you understand?”

Step 2: Prompt ChatGPT to Identify a Specific Challenge

Ask ChatGPT to identify a particular challenge that your ICP typically encounters.

Example prompt:

“What are some common challenges that these people face as a part of performing their jobs?”

Step 3: Prompt ChatGPT for a Solution and Outcome and write the email

Describe how your solution successfully overcomes one of these challenges. Get examples from your case studies or copy benefits mentioned on your website.

Example prompt:

“Great. I would like to write an introductory email about [specific challenge]. My company specifically addresses [specific challenge] by providing [benefit 1] and [benefit 2].

Write an email using this email template:

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

[Specific pain point they face] is a common challenge for [people with their responsibility].

This often causes [agitation] and leads to [inefficiencies or degraded business value].

[Describe how benefit 1 addresses challenge 1 and the agitation].

Other [people with their responsibility] like you have achieved [briefly describe the outcome or result achieved (ROI)] by [changing a process/investing in something new] in less than [a timeframe that is surprisingly short].

What questions could I help answer about [Specific pain point they face]?


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]”

Step 4: Edit the email output

Most times the email outputs need editing. Remove jargon and any extra words. Consider using contractions and short sentences to make the email more personal and conversational.

Here is how I edited the output example.

ChatGPT output:

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Managing third-party risk efficiently in the media and entertainment sector is a common challenge for Chief Information Security Officers like yourself.

This often causes significant delays and uncertainty in risk assessment, leading to increased vulnerabilities and potential non-compliance with regulatory standards.

Our solution leverages AI and automation to read and understand supplier documentation, allowing us to populate comprehensive risk assessments in just 40 minutes instead of 40 hours. This rapid processing provides you with a deeper visibility into potential risks, enabling more informed decision-making and proactive risk mitigation strategies.

Other CISOs like you have achieved substantial reductions in operational costs and enhanced compliance rates by integrating our cutting-edge technology into their third-party risk management processes, all within a surprisingly short timeframe.

What questions could I help answer about improving your third-party risk management?


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

After editing:

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Managing third-party risk efficiently is challenging for CISOs.

This often causes significant delays and uncertainty in risk assessment, leading to increased vulnerabilities and potential non-compliance with regulatory standards.

However, advances AI and automation can now read and understand supplier documentation, allowing you to populate comprehensive risk assessments in just 40 minutes instead of 40 hours.

This rapid processing provides you with a deeper visibility into potential risks, enabling more informed decision-making and proactive risk mitigation strategies.

Other security organizations like yours have achieved substantial reductions in operational costs and enhanced compliance rates by integrating AI and automation into their third-party risk management processes, all within weeks not months.

What questions could I help answer about improving your third-party risk management?


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Messaging and Practical Tips

  • Use short choppy sentences. These are easier to comprehend for people that are being interrupted.
  • Don’t ask for 15 minutes. No one wants this.
  • Focus on one pain point at a time. This enables you more material over time rather than saying everything at once then “bumping” your message. <Cringe!
  • Offer to email back and forth. I find this more valuable since it requires thinking other than “virtual coffee.”
  • Send helpful data. Don’t send links to datashits. Instead copy and paste the value points so they can be read on a mobile device.
  • Final Note:
    • Remember to tailor the email further based on additional insights you have about the prospect to enhance personalization and relevance. The more context you provide to ChatGPT, the better. Many prompts lack contextual instructions and produce bland results. Be specific.
  • Public prompt view:

Transcription Prompt

I would like you to remove all filler words and phrases such as “um”, “uh”, “like”, “you know”, “so”, “actually”, “basically”, “seriously”, “literally”, “I mean”, etc. in a podcast transcript. These words do not contribute significant value to the content and can make the text difficult to read.

Thoroughly review the provided podcast transcript. Take note of the conversations, important points, and flow of the discussion.

Be sure not to omit any parts of the discussions or dialogues while removing these filler words. It is essential to keep the entire content intact while making it more readable.

Ensure to maintain the context and meaning of sentences even after the removal of filler words. If removing a filler word alters the meaning or flow of a sentence, consider leaving the filler words to maintain the original intent and tone of the speaker.

Once the initial cleanup is done, review the transcript again to ensure all ideas are clear and well-presented. Check for any residual filler words that might have been missed in the first pass.

Finally, ensure the transcript still captures the original essence and tone of the podcast episode. It should not only be cleaner and more readable, but it should also represent the speakers’ thoughts and conversations accurately.

Remember, our aim is to create a cleaned-up transcript that retains all of the content’s value while enhancing its readability and clarity.

Do you understand?


Transcription Prompt 1

I would like you to edit the above podcast transcription.

Thoroughly review the provided podcast transcript. Take note of the conversations, important points, and flow of the discussion.

Remove all filler words and phrases such as “um”, “uh”, “like”, “you know”, “so”, “actually”, “basically”, “seriously”, “literally”, “I mean”, etc. These words do not contribute significant value to the content and can make the text difficult to read.

Do not omit any parts of the discussions or dialogues while removing these filler words. It is essential to keep the entire content intact while making it more readable.

Ensure to maintain the context and meaning of sentences even after the removal of filler words. If removing a filler word alters the meaning or flow of a sentence, consider leaving the filler words to maintain the original intent and tone of the speaker.

Once the initial cleanup is done, review the transcript again to ensure all ideas are clear and well-presented. Check for any residual filler words that might have been missed in the first pass.

Finally, ensure the transcript still captures the original essence and tone of the podcast episode. It should not only be cleaner and more readable, but it should also represent the speakers’ thoughts and conversations accurately.

Remember, our aim is to create a cleaned-up transcript that retains all of the content’s value while enhancing its readability and clarity.

Do not use “delve” or “delved” in the rewrite.

Do you understand?

Transcription Prompt 2

I would like you remove filler words and phrases such as “um”, “uh”, “like”, “you know”, “so”, “actually”, “basically”, “seriously”, “literally”, “I mean”, etc. in the transcription. These words do not contribute significant value to the content and can make the text difficult to read.

While removing filler words do not omit any parts of the discussions or dialogues while removing these filler words. It is essential to keep the entire content intact to make it as close to the transcription as possible.

Ensure to maintain the context and meaning of sentences even after the removal of filler words. If removing a filler word alters the meaning or flow of a sentence, consider leaving the filler words to maintain the original intent and tone of the speaker.

Finally, ensure the transcript still captures the original essence and tone of the podcast episode. It should not only be cleaner and more readable, but it should also represent the speakers’ thoughts and conversations accurately.

Remember, our aim is to create a cleaned-up transcript that retains all of the content’s value while enhancing its readability and clarity.

Do not use “delve” or “delved” in the rewrite.

After the rewrite place a hard return and “***”.

Do you understand?

Transcription Prompt 3

I would like you to remove filler words and phrases such as “um”, “uh”, “like”, “you know”, “so”, “actually”, “basically”, “seriously”, “literally”, “I mean”, etc. in the transcription. These words do not contribute significant value to the content and can make the text difficult to read.

While removing filler words do not omit any parts of the discussions or dialogues while removing these filler words. It is critical to keep the entire content intact to make it as close to the transcription as possible.

Ensure to maintain the context and meaning of sentences even after the removal of filler words. If removing a filler word alters the meaning or flow of a sentence, consider leaving the filler words to maintain the original intent and tone of the speaker.

Finally, ensure the transcript still captures the original essence and tone of the podcast episode. It should not only be cleaner and more readable, but it should also represent the speakers’ thoughts and conversations accurately.

Remember, our aim is to create a cleaned-up transcript that retains all of the content and not shorten it.

After you remove the filler words place a hard return and “***”.

Do you understand?


Great. Now I want you to write an 700-800 word summary article for the main points in the transcript. Create H2 headings for the main points. Don’t use passive tense or appositive phrases. Use action oriented language. Scott is the author of the article so use first person for Scott. Be sure and explain the main points and why it is important to the audience. The audience is enterprise IT professionals looking to improve information technology systems and implement artificial intelligence to help improve employee and customer digital experiences.