The Future of Intelligent Automation

Digital transformation is building or optimizing business models using modern digital technologies. Today, the speed at which your company transforms depends on your ability to change your systems and change your people. CPU performance doubles every 24 months to enable ever-increasing computing power for automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, people’s capacity to change …

conversational ai

Where is Conversational AI Going?

Discover how chatbots and collaboration tools are merging to help create intelligent automation and integrate your people and systems. Understand how to get to a state where people and systems can quickly get things done no matter where they are connected.

Why DevOps Stops

Companies using DevOps automation are more agile. They meet business objectives more quickly and efficiently by deploying more frequent changes. But, DevOps frameworks still have too many manual steps. See how to automate DevOps processes instead of just DevOps functions.

Marketing Personalization Doesn’t Work

Marketers want to provide the most personalized experience to customers and prospects to increase conversions and revenue. If you make prospects feel like you really know them, then they will trust you and purchase products and services from you. There are hundreds of marketing automation and targeting systems to help you target very specific and …

How LinkedIn Increased Readership by 400%

A couple of months ago I wanted to increase referrals on our industry blog I had always automatically posted to my profile seeking LinkedIn referrals and got some clicks but my network was becoming saturated with service virtualization content since there is a post almost everyday. One day one of the sales guys wanted to so …