How to Become a Modern CMO – Miko Matsumura

I am pleased to welcome Miko Matsumura (@mikojava), CMO of Gradle, as my latest podcast guest. I really enjoyed talking with Miko and absorbing his energy. In this episode Miko outlines what it takes to become a modern CMO. He gives five great points on what you should do in order to grab one of …

How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy – Jason English

In this episode I talk with Jason English (@bluefug), an enterprise technology marketing consultant and writer with more than 20 years of practice and management experience, from the earliest interactive firms, to startups and large software companies. Jason and I worked together at ITKO and ran content, product, social, event marketing and business development. We …

How My Blog Built My Business – Scott Baradell of Idea Grove

In this episode I talk with Scott Baradell (@DallasInbound). Scott and I talk about how his personal outlet built a multi-million dollar B2B marketing agency. His passion for writing began as a journalist and grew when he started blogging about his personal life, family and experiences. His blog then helped launch his public relations and technical …

Digital Media Headhunter – Jim Durbin

In this episode Jim and I talk about his digital media recruiting efforts and why people contact him. Jim recruits and places marketing people in all types of digital media, demand generation and event planning roles in all parts of the country. If you are looking for a position, contact Jim on your channel of choice but …