Arthur Samuel Joseph is the founder and chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute. Arthur is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost communication strategists and authorities on the human voice.
His voice and leadership training programs teach Communication Mastery through a disciplined regimen of specific techniques designed to cultivate an embodied and enhanced leadership and personal presence. He’s coached Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery, Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Jerry Rice, and many more.
In this episode, Arthur talks to me about what vocal mastery is and why we need it. He provides tips you can practice to warm up your voices and have a huge vocal presence. Arthur provides several client stories and a very heartwarming tale from his biggest transformation.
This episode is sponsored by Vocal Awareness Institute. Vocal Awareness is useful to everyone who speaks, but it can be even more powerful for those individuals with specific goals to have a vocal presence. Whether you are a sales professional, athlete, singer, politician, or stars like Angelina Jolie and Pierce Brosnan, Vocal Awareness has tools so you can capture audiences. Go to to see how to “Deliver Any Presentation Like a Pro” and receive $100 off of the Visual Voice pro by entering promo code 100OFFVVP.
Questions During Podcast
- What is vocal mastery? Who is it for?
- What are some routines or steps you recommend to become a better orator?
- What did you learn from actors like Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery and who do you think made the biggest transformation?
- How can those listening tell better stories and break through all of the noise?
- Who or what do you listen to or read to get inspiration?
- If you didn’t have any responsibilities at home or work next week what would you do with your time?
Contact Arthur
- Website: