Best DevOps Conferences for 2020

DevOps is a set of practices combining software development and information technology operations aiming to continuously deliver higher quality software in a shorter amount of time. It sounds easy. Your ability to do a better job in less time depends on how big or small your organization is and how many variables and constraints you have to deal with. However, someone, somewhere, has already dealt with a problem very similar to yours.

DevOps Conferences are some of the best places to learn from real practitioners on how they are shifting quality earlier in the life cycle and continuously building better software, faster. Here are a few of the must-visit DevOps conferences around the world.


Agile, Testing & DevOps Showcase

Date: January 30
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Twitter: @UNICOMSeminars
CFP Deadline: Past

Agile, Testing and DevOps: Are they a Separate conversation or a progression of capability?


DevOps Days

Date: Several dates February through October
Location: 40+ locations worldwide
Twitter: @devopsdays | #devopsdays
CFP: Open. Check your local event

This is the event that started it all. Attend a local DevOpsDays.

Config Management Camp

Date: February 3-5
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Twitter: @cfgmgmtcamp | #cfgmgmtcamp

Configuration Management Camp is the event for technologists interested Open Source Infrastructure automation and related topics. This includes but is not limited to top Open Source Configuration Management, Provisioning, Orchestration, Choreography, Container Operations, and many more topics.

DevSecOps Days SF

Date: February 24
Location: San Francisco
Twitter:  @DevSecOpsDays
CFP Deadline: Past

In the past few years, security integration within the DevOps pipeline has given rise to the idea of DevSecOps. Once seen as the bottleneck and inhibitor of the development and deployment process, security has become an integral part of the movement towards automation and the removal of manual oversight enforcement. As stated in the DevSecOps Manifesto, “We must adapt our ways to ensure data security and privacy issues are not left behind because we were too slow to change.”


QCon London

Date: Conference, March 2-4; workshops, March 5-6
Location: London
Twitter: @QCon@qconlondon
CFP Deadline:

QCon London is a conference for senior software engineers and architects on the patterns, practices, and use cases leveraged by the world’s most innovative software shops.


Date: March 10
Location: Washington, DC
Twitter: @atarc
CFP Deadline: Past

Join ATARC for a one-day informational event on DevOps: the set of practices that combines software development and IT operations.

Agile India 2019

Date: March 16-22
Location: Bengaluru, India
Twitter: @agileindia | #AgileIndia2020
CFP Deadline: August 20, 2019

Asia’s premier and largest event for modern software development methods.

Netdev 0x14

Date: March 17-20 (Postponed to June 16-19, 2020 due to COVID-19)
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Twitter: @netdev01 | #netdevconf
CFP Deadline: January 15, 2020

Netdev 0x14, like all the previous netdev conferences, is a conference of the netdev community, by the netdev community, for the netdev community. Linux kernel networking and user space utilization of the interfaces to the Linux kernel networking subsystem are the focus. If you are using Linux as a boot system for proprietary networking, then this conference _may not be for you_.

DevOps Talk Conference

Date: March 18-20
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Twitter: @DevOpsTalks#do2020
CFP Deadline: Open

DevOps Talks Conference (DOTC) brings together DevOps leaders, engineers and architects who are implementing DevOps principles and practices in Start Ups and in Leading Enterprise companies. They run technical and cultural DevOps complex transformation for large and medium organizations.

DevSecCon Singapore

Date: March 18-19 (Postponed to June 15-16 due to COVID-19)
Location: Singapore
Twitter: @devseccon | #DevSecCon
CFP Deadline: Past

Attend DevSecCon Singapore to engage with leading DevOps and IT Security professionals for a two-day exploration of DevSecOps. We’ll be diving deep into what it means to build security into development processes continuously using new and exciting best practices, as well as modern technologies.


Date: March 23-26
Location: Singapore
Twitter: @devops_con | #DevOpsCon
CFP Deadline: 17th of October, 2019

At DevOpsCon, you will meet internationally recognized thought leaders of the DevOps movement and benefit from their expertise. Attend inspiring sessions and in-depth workshops to learn what you need to push your DevOps skills to the next level.

SRE Con Americas

Date: March 24-26 (Postponed to June 2-4, 2020 due to COVID-19)
Location: Santa Clara, California, USA
Twitter: @SREcon | #SREcon
CFP Deadline:

SREcon is a gathering of engineers who care deeply about site reliability, systems engineering, and working with complex distributed systems at scale.

DevOps Pro Europe 2020

Date: March 24-26
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Twitter: @DevOpsEU
CFP Deadline: January 7, 2020

Annual DevOps Pro Europe conference covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud.


Date: March 30-April 2 (Postponed to June or August due to COVID-19)
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Twitter: @KubeCon_ | @CloudNativeFdn | #CloudNativeCon
CFP Deadline:

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities.



Date: April 21-24
Location: London
Twitter: @devops_con
CFP Deadline: November 4, 2019

At DevOpsCon, you will meet internationally recognized thought leaders of the DevOps movement and benefit from their expertise. Attend inspiring sessions and in-depth workshops to learn what you need to push your DevOps skills to the next level.

PowerShell and DevOps Global Summit

Date: April 27-30
Location: Bellevue, Washington
Twitter: @PSHSummit
CFP Deadline: October 19, 2019

PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit is the gathering of PowerShell + DevOps professionals and enthusiasts. More than just a conference, it’s a true in-person gathering of a vibrant community – we learn from each other, we develop practices and standards, we share challenges and solutions, and we drive our industry forward.

GOTO Chicago

Date: Conference, April 27-29
Location: Chicago
Twitter: @GOTOcon
CFP Deadline: GOTO Chicago does not have a formal ‘Call for Papers,’ but they are always happy to receive input. If you’d like to be considered as a speaker for a GOTO conference, please fill out this form.

GOTO is all about learning from creators, pioneers and thought leaders. GOTO Conferences is a series of software development conferences designed for developers, team leads, architects and project managers.


Continuous Lifecycle London

Date: May 13-15
Location: London, UK
Twitter: @ConLifecycleLon | #CLL20
CFP Deadline: November 12, 2019

Continuous Lifecycle London brings you together with the finest minds in DevOps, Containers, Continuous Delivery and Cloud Native development.


Date: May 20-21
Location: Broomfield, Colorado
Twitter: @gluecon | @defrag | #gluecon
CFP Deadline: Flexible

GlueCon is a developer-oriented conference focused on providing the latest in-depth technical information, presented in a format that fosters community. GlueCon’s topics change from year to year, but include things like APIs, DevOps, Serverless, Edge Computing, Containers, Microservices, Blockchain-driven applications, and the newest tools and platforms driving technology.


ChefConf Seattle

Date: June 1-4
Location: Seattle
Twitter: @chef | #ChefConf
CFP Deadline: January 31, 2020

Learn about what’s new in the DevOps ecosystem and be the first to learn about new product offerings from Chef.

ChefConf London

Date: June 15-17
Location: London
Twitter: @chef | #ChefConf
CFP Deadline: January 31, 2020

Learn about what’s new in the DevOps ecosystem and be the first to learn about new product offerings from Chef.

Agile + DevOps West

Date: June 7-12
Location: Las Vegas
Twitter: @TechWell | #AgileDevOpsCon
CFP Deadline:

Agile + DevOps West brings together practitioners seeking to accelerate the delivery of reliable, secure software applications. Find out how the practice of agile & DevOps brings cross-functional stakeholders together to deliver software with greater speed and agility while meeting quality and security demands.


Date: June 8-10
Location: Portland, Oregon
Twitter: @Monitorama | #monitorama
CFP Deadline:

An Inclusive Event Series for Monitoring and Observability Practitioners.


Date: June 8-11
Location: Berlin
Twitter: @devops_con
CFP Deadline: December 16, 2019

At DevOpsCon, you will meet internationally recognized thought leaders of the DevOps movement and benefit from their expertise. Attend inspiring sessions and in-depth workshops to learn what you need to push your DevOps skills to the next level.

O’Reilly Infrastructure & Ops Conference

Date: June 15-18
Location: Santa Clara, California, USA
Twitter: @OReillyInfraOps | #OReillyInfraOps
CFP Deadline: December 17, 2019

Get the latest innovations on building modern, scalable infrastructure.

DockerCon US

Date: June 15-18
Location: Austin, Texas
Twitter: @DockerCon
CFP Deadline: TBD

DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES) London

Date: June 23-25
Location: London
Twitter: @DOES_EUR | #DOES20
CFP Deadline: February 17, 2020

The DevOps Enterprise Summit is a vendor-neutral conference for technology leaders who are transforming how large, complex organizations deliver and operate software to help their organizations win in the marketplace.


VM World

Date: August 30-September 3
Location: San Francisco
Twitter: @VMworld#VMworld
CFP Deadline: TBD

VMworld is VMWare’s annual cloud conference.


Interop ITX

Date: September 21-24
Location: Austin
Twitter: @interop | #Interop
CFP Deadline: December 17, 2019

As one of the few remaining independent events for Networking and IT Pros, Interop is committed to focusing on the needs of our community with cutting-edge and unbiased content. Interop offers “Real Intelligence” by providing knowledge of the most valuable tech solutions and how they can be applied to real-world challenges.

DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES) Las Vegas

Date: September 22-24
Location: Las Vegas
Twitter: @DOES_USA#DOES20
CFP Deadline: February 17, 2020

The DevOps Enterprise Summit is a vendor-neutral conference for technology leaders who are transforming how large, complex organizations deliver and operate software to help their organizations win in the marketplace.

DevOps World

Date: September 21-24
Location: Las Vegas
Twitter: @devopsworldconf | #devopsworld
CFP Deadline: TBD

Thousands of practitioners, developers, managers, and leaders from around the world come together to share best practices, get hands on experience, and make new connections in the industry.

Microsoft Ignite

Date: September 21-25
Location: New Orleans
Twitter: @MS_Ignite | #MSIgnite
CFP Deadline: TBD

Microsoft Ignite is the most comprehensive technology conference of the year.  It is the place to learn from the experts, connect with your community, and explore the latest technology.



Date: October 13-15
Location: San Diego
Twitter: @ansible | #ansiblefest
CFP Deadline: TBD

AnsibleFest is the premier automation conference for IT professionals, contributors and tech partners.

Devops + Automation Summit

Date: October 21-23
Location: Nashville
Twitter: @DevOpsOrg
CFP Deadline:

DevOps + Automation Summit is a gathering of DevOps and Automation professionals and enthusiasts from around the global, hosted at the Renaissance Hotel in Nashville TN. The focus is not focused on just one automation tool. More than just a conference, it’s a true in-person gathering of a vibrant community where we will be talking about different automation tools and toolsets, across multiple platforms learning best practices and industry standards.


VM World Europe

Date: November 4
Location: Barcelona
Twitter: @VMworld#VMworld
CFP Deadline: TBD

VMworld is VMWare’s annual cloud conference.


Date: November 12
Location: All online
Twitter: @AllDayDevOps | #AllDayDevOps
CFP Deadline: March 31, 2020

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020

Date: November 17 – 20
Location: Boston
Twitter: @KubeCon_ | @CloudNativeFdn | #CloudNativeCon
CFP Deadline: June 12, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities.

Agile + DevOps East

Date: November
Location: Orlando
Twitter: @TechWell | #AgileDevEast
CFP Deadline:

Agile + DevOps East brings together practitioners seeking to accelerate the delivery of reliable, secure software applications. Find out how the practice of agile & DevOps brings cross-functional stakeholders together to deliver software with greater speed and agility while meeting quality and security demands.



December 7–9, 2020
Location: Boston
Twitter: @LISAConference | #LISA20
CFP Deadline: TBD

LISA is the premier conference for operations professionals, where sysadmins, systems engineers, IT operations professionals, SRE practitioners, developers, IT managers, and academic researchers share real-world knowledge about designing, building, securing, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world.